Post Covid
It has truly been one hell of year!
Multiprocess welders are versatile welding machines that are designed to perform multiple types of welding processes. These machines are commonly used in various industries and applications where different welding methods may be required for different materials, thicknesses, or welding positions. Multiprocess welders are designed to switch between these welding processes with relative ease, allowing welders to adapt to different welding requirements without needing separate machines for each process. These machines often come with user-friendly controls, making it easier to select the appropriate welding process, adjust settings, and achieve the desired weld quality. The ability to perform multiple welding processes with a single machine can save time, space, and money in welding workshops or industrial settings where a variety of welding tasks may be needed. These welders are especially valuable in repair and maintenance work, as well as in industries like construction, manufacturing, and fabrication where different materials and thicknesses require different welding techniques.
The Miller MPi 220P. Portability is number one when you have to go to the job - because it cant come to you. The MPi...
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During these uncertain times, we feel it is now necessary to inform our customers of our next steps during this outbreak.
Christmas is well and truly on its way, the John Lewis advert has hit our screens and the Christmas songs are blasting down the radio, with that being said we would like to inform our customers of our Christmas shutdown period.