Post Covid
It has truly been one hell of year!
Sifsteel No.11 - A low caron mild steel rod ideal for all types of mild steel and wrought iron welding. It is free-flowing and produces a high strength ductile weld. It is copper coated to ensure long shelf life. Particuarly suitable for sheet metal panels, plates, tubes and fittings.
Sifsteel No.22 - A special alloy steel rod containing manganese for toughness. It provides a weld deposit of high strength and ductility. Recommended for oxy/acetylene welding of pipelines and pressure vessels.
Copper coated mild steel gas welding rod that is suitable for welding mild steel. Welding Process: Gas WeldingGas:...
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During these uncertain times, we feel it is now necessary to inform our customers of our next steps during this outbreak.
Christmas is well and truly on its way, the John Lewis advert has hit our screens and the Christmas songs are blasting down the radio, with that being said we would like to inform our customers of our Christmas shutdown period.